Does Resume Genius Work? Rapid Resume Review

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Tue Feb 27 2024

Does Resume Genius Work? Rapid Resume Review

In today's global economic climate, job cuts are affecting a multitude of industries, and inflation rates are on the rise. This has made job hunting an increasingly challenging endeavor. Whether you're pursuing a stable, long-term career opportunity or keen on exploring new job opportunities across multiple companies, it can be challenging to create polished resumes or generate multiple versions simultaneously. That's why having a professional resume is of paramount importance.While you may be a top performer in your chosen field, the skill of resume writing may not be your strong suit. There are numerous resume-builder platforms available in the digital space today, each promising to help users create professional and compelling resumes. However, not all of these platforms can effectively deliver on their promises, leaving many job seekers puzzled and disappointed.In this comprehensive blog post, we will conduct a review of a popular Resume Builder tool— Resume Genius. Our goal is to delve deep into its multitude of features, thoroughly assessing their functionality and pricing from an average user's perspective. We aim to provide an unbiased and transparent evaluation, shedding light on whether Resume Genius truly stands out from the rest in a crowded market of resume-building tools and if it is indeed a worthy investment for job seekers in the current job market.In addition to this, we will also take into consideration any potential alternatives to Resume Genius that are available in the market. This will provide a comparative perspective and ensure that you, as a reader and potential user, can make an informed decision based on your specific needs, preferences, and circumstances. So, if you're keen to find out more about Resume Genius and how it stacks up against other tools in the market, continue reading for an honest and detailed review.

1. What is Resume Genius?

Resume Genius is an all-inclusive online platform that caters to job seekers. It offers a resume builder, a cover letter generator, and career resources. The platform guides users through the resume creation process, ensuring their qualifications stand out. It also provides a tool for creating personalized cover letters, helping to make a strong first impression. Overall, Resume Genius simplifies job hunting, saves time, and improves chances of landing interviews and desired job positions.Resume Genius uses software tools designed to simplify the resume creation process. This is done by automatically incorporating critical elements such as:
  • Personal details like your name and contact information.
  • Professional background, which includes work experience and relevant skills.
  • Detailed information about prior employment positions and educational qualifications or experiences.
With this information, the resume engine can organize it efficiently according to your preferences and the required layout.

Key Features of Resume Genius

  • Resume Builder
This tool is similar to other resume builders on the market. It allows you to create a resume in about seven steps. You'll need to provide information such as contact details, experience, skills, and certifications.
  • Cover Letter Generator
Resume Genius offers an AI-powered cover letter template that simplifies the process. Pairing your cover letter with the right resume template can help your application reach employers.
  • CV Maker
Resume Genius provides advice on many aspects of a resume, including what to include, as well as specific details like typeface and formatting. The resources are quite abundant, providing plenty of ideas for creating a CV, such as an academic CV or a job CV.
  • Resume Templates
Resume Genius offers an extensive collection of diverse and user-friendly resume templates. With a wide array of options to choose from, users can easily find the template that suits their individual style, industry, and career aspirations.In addition to these key features, Resume Genius also offers free advice on writing cover letters. This is a resource that is available to all users without the need for a subscription. They provide a range of templates and sample letters that can be downloaded at no additional cost, without any hidden fees. Their professionally designed templates can be particularly helpful in guiding the creation of your cover letter, and if you prefer, you can choose to base your cover letter on the samples they provide. While Resume Genius does not offer complete examples of job applications, their resources are comprehensive enough that even those new to the job market can craft an effective cover letter after reading through a few of their posts.However, it's crucial to remember that using their samples without personalizing them could potentially negatively impact your reputation with hiring managers. It's always advisable to inject your own unique voice into your application materials. Additionally, there is a risk of encountering another job applicant who has used the same samples from Resume Genius, which could potentially dilute the impact of your application.

Customer Feedback

Resume Genius, a platform widely recognized for its aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly interface, has played a significant role in job creation for numerous individuals. It enjoys a high Trustpilot score of 4.7 stars, a testament to its widespread user acceptance. This positive reputation, however, should not overshadow the importance of considering all aspects before committing to a purchase.Despite the many strengths of Resume Genius, I, along with several other customers, have pointed out certain aspects that could be potentially unsettling. These include:
  • The practice of initially concealing the price in the dashboard can be off-putting for new users who might be caught off guard when they finally discover the cost. This lack of transparency can lead to a sense of distrust towards the platform.
  • Automatic monthly withdrawals are issued without the explicit consent of the user. This practice not only raises concerns about the company's respect for its customers' financial autonomy but also poses potential legal issues.
  • The quality of customer service, which, according to some, leaves much to be desired. Poor customer service experiences can tarnish the overall user experience and discourage potential customers.
  • There is a lack of clarity regarding the monthly pricing structure. This can lead to confusion and frustration, as customers may not fully understand what they're paying for each month.
Unfortunately, these issues have not been addressed, even though they were pointed out several years ago. This lack of action could suggest a disregard for customer feedback and a lack of commitment to continuous improvement.As informed consumers, we should not limit ourselves to a single option. It's wise to explore alternative platforms and meticulously weigh their pros and cons. By doing so, we can make more informed decisions that align with our needs and expectations.Moving forward, I would like to introduce you to a remarkable, user-friendly resume creation application that truly stands out in the market today. This application is all about speed, flexibility, and efficiency. It has been designed with the user's convenience in mind, making the process of crafting a resume as swift and hassle-free as possible. This program aims to elevate the overall experience, not only mitigate the shortcomings of competing applications such as Resume Genius. It offers a ton of helpful elements that are intended to improve the resume-creation process.

2. What is Rapid Resume? - The Best Resume Maker?

Rapid Resume is an innovative AI-powered resume builder that is meticulously designed to provide users with a highly efficient solution for creating personalized and impactful resumes. Utilizing the power of sophisticated algorithms and advanced natural language processing, the platform offers a comprehensive analysis and refinement of job application content, its format, and design. It provides a multitude of functionalities, each aiming to streamline the resume creation process while maximizing the potential of each user's unique profile.

Key Features of Rapid Resume

Assessing an AI Resume Creation Tool such as Rapid Resume requires a thorough examination of its primary features in order to gauge its suitability and comprehend how it can aid in crafting a compelling and professional resume. Here are some of the main tools and functions it provides:
  • Simplified Process
Rapid Resume's effortless resume builder function simplifies the resume creation process by strategically dividing it into four primary sections: Contact Information, Work Experience, Education, and Skills. This method is streamlined and prevents users from feeling overwhelmed by an excessive number of fields, all while maintaining a structured format that is in line with the updated 2024 resume format standards.
  • Tailor Your Resume with Ease and Precision
In the pursuit of the ideal job, it is crucial to have a resume that accurately depicts your skills and experiences. Yet, the traditional process of building a resume can be time-consuming and prone to errors, often leading to inadvertent mistakes or omissions that could potentially compromise significant opportunities. Rapid Resume's flexible editing feature steps in at this juncture, making the task of customizing resumes far less daunting and transforming it into a seamless, efficient process.
  • A blend of Manual and AI-assisted editing
One of the unique selling points of Rapid Resume is its ideal blend of manual and AI-assisted editing capabilities. If you prefer being completely in control, you have the option to manually edit different sections of your resume. On the other hand, if you lean towards a more streamlined process, you can utilize the AI resume writer to delicately polish your entries. The AI resume feature perfectly integrates with your inputs, ensuring a professional touch while preserving a personal tone that truly reflects you.
  • AI-Enhanced Formatting
Rapid Resume incorporates AI-powered refinement to ensure that the formatting of your resume is flawless, irrespective of the chosen template. This AI resume builder intuitively adapts your content to fit the template, providing a clean, professional layout that impresses you at first glance.
  • Keyword Optimization
Rapid Resume's keyword optimization tool takes the visibility of your resume a notch higher by identifying the most relevant keywords from the job description and appropriately incorporating them into your resume.
  • Rate My Resume
Rapid Resume provides a comprehensive evaluation feature designed to meticulously assess the strengths and weaknesses of your resume. Using insightful analysis, it refines and optimizes your resume's content and presentation for maximum impact. It offers instant AI Recruiter Analysis feedback, assessing your resume's structure, content, and overall effectiveness. This feedback highlights areas for enhancement, enabling you to create a more persuasive and impactful resume that effectively highlights your strengths and aligns with the requirements of your desired job.
  • Match Resume To Job
Rapid Resume's intelligent AI technology thoroughly examines the job descriptions you provide and aligns them with the content of your resume. This feature ensures that your resume is tailor-made to meet the specific requirements of each job you apply for, thereby enhancing your chances of success.
  • Find My Perfect Job
Rapid Resume Builder distinguishes itself by not only providing professional resume templates but also offering a unique feature that lists current job openings with attractive salary ranges. Powered by AI algorithms and advanced search capabilities, this function helps you find ideal job opportunities that align with your career goals and preferences. By aggregating job listings from various sources, Rapid Resume saves you the trouble of scouring multiple websites, thereby streamlining your job search within its user-friendly ecosystem. With Rapid Resume, you can enhance the efficiency of your job applications and find the perfect match for your career aspirations.

3. Resume Genius vs. Rapid Resume


Resume Genius Pricing

The first option presented to consumers is priced at a seemingly modest $2.95, which grants 14-day full access to the service. However, the hidden details nestled within the fine print warrant close scrutiny. The terms state, "After 14 days, auto-renewal occurs, with $23.95 billed every 4 weeks". This can potentially ensnare unsuspecting users into a financial commitment they did not plan for. Without careful attention to these details, one could find themselves inadvertently spending nearly $30 each month for a service that was initially perceived to cost a mere $3. This practice raises significant concerns about the transparency of the company's pricing strategy. Why aren't the true costs made clear from the onset? In my personal perspective, this sort of practice bears a little bit of a striking resemblance to consumer fraud.

The second option available to users is an annual plan. This option comes at a cost of $95.40, which is required to be paid in full immediately. Additionally, this plan is automatically renewed, a detail that consumers should be aware of when considering this option.

Rapid Resume Pricing

Unlike Resume Genius, Rapid Resume prioritizes transparency and clarity right from the outset by clearly stating its pricing and the benefits that accompany each plan. Starting at the incredibly competitive price of just $4.99 per month, our Starter Plan offers access to 50 Resume Actions, providing a cost-effective solution for those just beginning their job search.

For those requiring more comprehensive assistance, the Pro Plan, priced at a reasonable $9.99 per month, provides access to 150 Resume Actions. This expanded offering enables users to take more extensive steps toward their career goals. Meanwhile, our premium Power Plan, priced at $19.99 per month, includes 500 Resume Actions, catering to those who are committed to taking full advantage of our platform to drive their job search forward.

Currently, our Pro and Power Plans are highly favored by our users. This is largely due to the exceptional outcomes they deliver, which are a testament to the value they provide.

When comparing monthly costs, Rapid Resume simply outshines Resume Genius. Even our Power Plan, which is the most premium option we offer, is priced lower than the monthly plan of Resume Genius. This makes Rapid Resume not only a more affordable option but also a more value-packed one.

Further setting Rapid Resume apart is the offering of additional features that are genuinely useful for users. One such feature is the "Find My Perfect Job" tool. This innovative feature can save users a significant amount of time by helping them uncover roles that are a perfect fit for their skills and aspirations.


Resume Genius, as a platform, aims to simplify the process of resume creation. It achieves this goal by offering easy-to-follow steps and a user-friendly design, making the task remarkably less daunting for its users. The standout feature of this platform is its power to simplify this usually complex task to a considerable extent. However, it falls short when it comes to providing adequate support features for its users. Additionally, the customer support provided by Resume Genius is still quite poor.

In stark contrast, Rapid Resume excels in almost all aspects. The platform offers a seamless experience to its users. All a user needs to do is provide some basic information, and the platform takes care of the rest. In terms of technical prowess, Rapid Resume is a market leader, boasting a speed that is unmatched, being a whopping 10 times faster than any other provider in the market. What's even more impressive is that this speed does not compromise the quality of the resumes created. In fact, the quality of the resumes is top-notch, if not superior.

When it comes to pricing, Rapid Resume outshines its competitors, offering the most affordable rates in the market. This makes it an accessible platform for everyone, from students just starting their careers to adults looking to switch jobs or climb the career ladder. It offers two exceptional features that set it apart - ' Rate my Resume' and ' Find my Perfect Job.' After a user creates a resume on the platform, they receive constructive tips on refining it to ensure it stands out. The platform then lists suitable job opportunities that match the user's profile and career goals.

Should You Subscribe To Resume Genius?

While many resume builders are available online, it's crucial to delve deeper into their offerings. The ease of creating multiple resumes is undoubtedly valuable. However, as a customer, we must also consider additional factors. How effective will our resumes be once they're created using these platforms? Will they capture the attention of potential employers and help us stand out from the crowd? If a service can address these concerns, then what about the warranty? Does the price go hand in hand with the quality? These are essential questions to think about when exploring resume-building solutions.Despite offering one-on-one resume consultations, Resume Genius — may not provide the best value for most people. It falls short of answering the above questions comprehensively, and there are still numerous issues with the product that users have reported. The service's allure may be initially tempting, but its ambiguous pricing structure can actually end up being a disadvantage. During life's stressful transitions, such as a career change, it's all too easy to overlook ongoing subscriptions. The last thing you need is an additional responsibility on top of your job search—a task that could inadvertently drain your bank account.As such, it's worth considering that there are more economical and user-friendly alternatives available. For instance, Rapid Resume offers similar services but at a fraction of the cost. Before committing to any resume-building platform, it's prudent to explore all options and make an informed choice that best suits your needs.

Final Thoughts

In short, resume creation can be a challenging task, especially when job hunting in today's competitive market. While tools like Resume Genius offer a level of convenience and support in crafting professional resumes, their hidden costs and lacklustre customer support may leave users feeling disillusioned.Conversely, Rapid Resume stands out for its clarity, affordability, and user-centric approach. Beyond its resume-building capabilities, it provides additional features like 'Rate My Resume' and 'Find My Perfect Job,' which are designed to simplify and enhance the entire job search process. Rapid Resume's blend of manual and AI-assisted editing, along with its keyword optimization tool, ensures that each resume is compelling and relevant.Ultimately, the choice of a resume-building platform should be dictated by the user's specific needs, preferences, and budget. It's always advisable to weigh the pros and cons of each option, keeping in mind the importance of transparency, affordability, and the overall effectiveness of the tool. As this review has shown, while Resume Genius has its merits, Rapid Resume may offer a more comprehensive, user-friendly, and cost-effective solution for today's job seekers.When choosing Rapid Resume, remember that you become more than just a user - you become a valued member of a supportive and nurturing community where your success is our success. Our priority is to ensure that your individual needs are not just met but exceeded and that your overall experience with us is exceptional. We are here to enhance your resume creation journey with our dedication to affordable pricing and unparalleled quality of service. Trust in us, and let us help you put your best foot forward on the path to your dream career.

Written By

Wendy Nguyen

Wendy Nguyen

Marketing Coordinator

Your New Resume, In Seconds.

The fastest way to create your next resume. Get your dream job, at the speed of AI.