Is Resume Build Worth It?


Sat Mar 09 2024

Is Resume Build Worth It?

ResumeBuild has gained significant recognition as an online resume-writing service provider. However, the pressing question that most potential users grapple with is: Does the quality of their services justify the expenditure of your hard-earned money? In order to provide clarity on this matter, we shall delve deeper into an intricate analysis of ResumeBuild. We will assess and explore its various features, carefully weigh the potential advantages and disadvantages, and determine whether it's a worthwhile investment for you.
This blog post will provide you with an in-depth guide that includes:
  • Authentic customer reviews of ResumeBuild.
  • A comprehensive assessment of ResumeBuild, highlighting its benefits and limitations, as well as its pricing.
  • An answer to the question: "Is Resume Build worth it?"

Why Trust Us?

Prioritizing customers' needs is our primary focus at Rapid Resume. Our team of Certified Resume Writers diligently tests all the products available in the market. They immerse themselves in the user experience to ensure that their firsthand knowledge and insights guide you towards making the most informed decision. We believe in the power of personal experience and its ability to add depth to our understanding. As we evaluate each resume and cover letter-building tool, we uphold the principles of fairness and objectivity. We maintain unbiased reviews, ensuring that our assessments are based solely on the merit of the product, devoid of any personal biases or preconceptions. Our team is committed to demonstrating the highest level of professionalism in every aspect of our work.

What is Resume Build?

Resume Build is an online resume creation tool for individuals who want to create their resumes from scratch. It offers a variety of templates, support throughout the writing process, and pre-composed content. In addition to being a resume builder, it also features a cover letter builder and extra tools to optimize job application documents. As per Resume Build's terms and conditions, each subscription comes with a money-back guarantee, providing peace of mind to its users.

Resume Build Services

ResumeBuild offers two main features to assist users in creating professional job application documents:

Resume Builder

ResumeBuild helps you create a resume in a few simple steps. Start by selecting a preferred template from 20 available options. After choosing your template, personalize your resume by adding your contact information. Then, fill out the work history and education sections with relevant details. If you're unsure what to include, suggestions are provided. Finally, review your resume for accuracy and completeness before downloading it in the format of your choice.

Cover Letter Builder

Users will choose from seven templates the system provides and input their personal information. The required details may differ based on the category. For instance, the "Header section" requires basic personal details, while the "Opener section" asks for information about the prospective employer. The final two sections, "Body and Closer", contain pre-written content from ResumeBuild. In this way, users can conveniently complete their resumes by dragging and dropping suitable boxes into these sections.

Pricing and Plan

Subscription Options

A premium subscription is mandatory to access your completed resume on ResumeBuild. They present two options for a trial period, which extends for a duration of 14 days. The two options are priced at $1.45 and $1.95 respectively. Although there is a nominal price difference, the benefits conferred by these two packages are largely alike, making the price disparity minimal.

However, an important point that necessitates your immediate attention is the policy regarding trial periods. If you, as the user, do not take the initiative to cancel the package within the stipulated trial period, the service automatically transitions into a monthly subscription model.

The price of this monthly subscription is not insignificant, standing at $24.95. This could potentially be a substantial amount if you are not prepared for it. Therefore, it is crucial to be mindful of the end of the trial period to avoid unexpected charges.

For users seeking a longer commitment with ResumeBuild, an annual subscription might be of interest. Charged yearly as a single payment of $155.95, it could be a more cost-effective option for long-term usage compared to cumulative monthly charges.

Compared to the Competitor

In an effort to maintain objectivity in our analysis, we made a conscious decision to involve a second company that also specializes in the field of resume-building services. This allowed us to perform a comparative analysis between Resume Build and the broader market, with the second company being the well-recognized Rapid Resume.Rapid Resume has earned a reputation as a top-notch resume builder tool, leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to aid its users. It's designed with the primary aim of assisting users in crafting highly personalized, professional resumes in a matter of seconds, ultimately helping them secure their dream job.When it comes to service plans, Rapid Resume offers a much more economical choice than Resume Build. The monthly plans provided by Rapid Resume vary in price from a mere $4.99 to $19.99. This starkly contrasts with the more complex offerings proposed by ResumeBuild. The pricing structure put forth by Rapid Resume is versatile and inclusive, catering to everyone at any level based on their respective desires and budget constraints. In addition, the benefits and features provided by Rapid Resume are not only outstanding, but they also offer incredible value for the price.

Pros and Cons

Benefits of Resume Build

  • #1. User-Friendly Interface
Resume Build stands out for its simplicity and convenience. It boasts a user-friendly design interface, which aims to make the process of building a resume as straightforward as possible. The design is intuitive and easy to navigate, ensuring that even first-time users can take full advantage of its services.
  • #2. Autofill Suggestions
One of the common challenges faced during resume writing is the difficulty in articulating one's skills and experiences. That's where ResumeBuild's autofill suggestions come into play. This tool provides users with an extensive list of suggestions tailored to a wide range of careers. This means users can easily weave these suggestions into their resumes, making them more attractive to potential employers.

Limitations of Resume Build

  • #1. Limited Templates
A primary challenge with ResumeBuild is the limited number of templates. With only 20 options for the Resume Builder and 7 for the Cover Letter Builder, the template library is quite restricted. This lack of variety can be a significant hindrance for users who wish to tailor their resumes to distinctly appeal to Human Resources departments. Individuals who aspire to create standout resumes may also encounter limitations due to this constraint.Additionally, ResumeBuild does not offer any guarantee that your resume application is optimized for the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). This is a significant drawback as the ATS is a common system that many companies employ to sift through resumes.The templates provided by ResumeBuild are not exclusive and are of a comparatively lower quality, which can be found for free on the internet. The utilization and modification of these templates might adversely affect your chances of securing an interview, making it a potential risk.
  • #2. Few Suggestions Offered
Despite the Suggestion feature seeming advantageous at first glance, its implementation has been rather poor. ResumeBuild makes a claim, "We've added thousands of pre-written examples and resume samples. As easy as clicking." However, this statement is not entirely accurate.Upon thorough inspection, it becomes apparent that each distinct career field in the Resume Builder only has a scant 4 pre-written templates. This number marginally increases to 12 when using the Cover Letter Builder feature, but this is still a far cry from the thousands that were initially advertised.Moreover, the content of these templates is almost identical, devoid of any creative flair or excellence. They are monotonous and repetitive, resulting in a final product that lacks individuality. This feature may be regarded as virtually useless, and creating a resume or cover letter in your own words might prove to be far more beneficial. However, it's important to note that not all companies inflate their features. Some live up to their advertising promises by providing genuine resume-building tools.
  • #3. Hidden Subscription Costs
Accessing ResumeBuild's pricing information involves a rather convoluted process. Users must first create a sample resume and register an account, which then directs them to the Pricing page. This cumbersome process raises the question: "Why not simplify this by announcing the pricing upfront?" It would make for a more user-friendly experience.
  • #4. Lacks User Support Features
At present, ResumeBuild only offers two main features, which are Resume Builder and Cover Letter Builder. However, when compared to its competitors in 2024, it appears significantly outdated. The market landscape of resume builders has undergone substantial evolution, with many companies integrating new and innovative technologies into their platforms.For instance, Rapid Resume offers a feature aptly named " Find your Perfect Job" This innovative feature matches your resume with a multitude of companies as soon as you complete it, thereby streamlining the job search process and saving precious time for job seekers. Another noteworthy feature, " Rates your Resume," provides a glimpse of what recruiters might see and offers valuable suggestions to enhance your resume.

Resume Build Reputation

The popular platform Trustpilot has a wealth of reviews for various services, including Resumebuild. Based on a total of 2,218 unique reviews, Resumebuild has an overall rating of 4.2 out of 5. It's worth noting that 58% of users rated the service as a perfect "5", showcasing their complete satisfaction. However, on the other end of the spectrum, 12% of users had a less favourable experience, rating their interaction as a "1". These contrasting views raise an important question: "what are the principal concerns and grievances of users about Resume Build?"
To better understand these issues, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of all the feedback received. From this research, we identified several key areas causing customer dissatisfaction:
  • The most frequently voiced complaint was centred around Resume Build's pricing structure. Many customers felt that they were being excessively charged and were taken aback by the actual cost of the service. Based on their initial understanding, they believed that the service cost was only $1.45 per month, but in reality, the price came to $24.95. This major discrepancy in pricing has the potential to mislead new users who may not carefully read the fine print or understand the cost breakdown.
  • Transparency is a crucial factor in any successful business. A responsible company should always communicate clearly and explicitly about any changes to subscription cancellations or renewals. Additionally, there have been reports on other review websites dating back to the 2020s, where customers claimed they were charged up to $60 per month - a sum significantly higher than they initially expected or were informed about. You can read more about these customer experiences here: Customer Feedback1 and CustomerFeedback2.
This leads us to a somewhat unsettling conclusion: Resume Build may be intentionally obscuring the true cost of their service to extract more money from customers. Additionally, some customers found the service ineffective. They pointed out that the results did not meet their expectations or justify the cost, increasing their dissatisfaction.

Is Resume Build a Trustworthy Resume Builder?

While ResumeBuild offers some distinct advantages, it may not necessarily be the optimal choice for every individual. Here are a few reasons why you might want to reconsider this service:
  • Firstly, the cost-effectiveness of the service must be considered. With a subscription fee of $24.95 per month, the value delivered by ResumeBuild might not align with the cost. Currently, the job market presents a plethora of resume builder services that are more cost-effective and offer a wider array of features. These alternatives often boast a user-friendly design, an array of helpful features, and even integrated artificial intelligence to assist in the process of resume writing and job hunting. Unfortunately, ResumeBuild lacks in these areas. Therefore, when considering a resume builder service, it is crucial to thoroughly examine all available options to ensure you are making the most informed decision possible.
  • Secondly, the concern lies in the functionality of ResumeBuild's features. There seems to be a possibility that the development team may prioritize revenue generation over the quality of their product. This could result in subpar performance and a less-than-satisfactory user experience.
  • Lastly, the limited number of templates and customization options offered by ResumeBuild could be a drawback for some users. Additionally, there is uncertainty about whether these templates meet the standards of the Applicant Tracking System (ATS), which is crucial in ensuring your resume reaches potential employers.
Before committing to Resume Build, it would be beneficial to explore other services that could potentially better cater to your specific needs and financial constraints.

Wrapping Up

After reading and evaluating the content, you might find that it prompts you to form your own judgments and perspectives. Resume Build, as a platform, offers some basic features that assist in resume creation. However, it disappointingly falls short in several crucial areas that are vital for a high-quality resume-building service. A significant drawback is the high subscription fee, which doesn't seem to match the value it provides. Even though the features are available, they might not deliver the expected performance, leading users to question the service's effectiveness.The limited variety in template selection is another aspect of the reason why Resume Build falls short. The uncertainty regarding its compatibility with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) could potentially put users at a disadvantage in their job search. This ambiguity does not provide the assurance job seekers need when creating a resume meant to pass through such systems.Moreover, the undisclosed costs associated with the subscription can take users by surprise, leading to dissatisfaction. The lack of sufficient user support only adds to the negative aspects, further diminishing its attractiveness as a go-to resume-building tool.When comparing ResumeBuild with alternatives like Rapid Resume, the differences are apparent. Rapid Resume not only offers superior features but also does so at a lower cost. This comparison suggests that ResumeBuild may not be the best option for those seeking a comprehensive, efficient, and user-friendly resume-building experience.

Frequently Asked Questions About Resume Build

Are you still unsure about Resume Build? Here are some answers to common questions about their resume writing service:
  • Can I secure a job after Using Resume Build?
No, ResumeBuild can't guarantee that you will land a great job. In fact, it's important to understand that no Resume Builder service can make such a promise. Despite this, there are still many reputable services out there that can significantly improve your job pass rate. For instance, the unique 'Rate your Resume' feature provided by Rapid Resume is a powerful tool for job seekers. This feature provides valuable feedback on your resume, and if needed, it can make automatic edits to improve its quality. These strategies can certainly generate more interest from employers, thereby helping you secure your dream job.
  • Is Resume Build Free?
It's important to note that Resume Build is not a free service. While you may have the ability to create resumes or cover letters using their builders, downloading the template versions of these documents will require payment.
  • Is There a Free Trial of Resume Build?
No. While individuals can use the tool at no cost, a paid subscription is necessary to download or print their resumes.
  • What Happens If I Forget to Cancel the 14-day Access Plan?
Please be aware that if you forget to cancel your subscription or fail to do so, an automatic charge of $24.95 will be applied to your account the following day.
  • What are Some Alternatives to Resume Build?
Absolutely! In the vast world of online resources, there is a plethora of exceptional resume builders that often surpass the capabilities of Resume Build. These tools not only provide a platform for creating professional resumes but also bring forth an extensive range of features that enhance the overall resume-building experience.
  • RapidResume
  • Skillroads
  • Zety
  • Enhancecv
  • Canva

Written By

Wendy Nguyen

Wendy Nguyen

Marketing Coordinator

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